Feature Block Image Guidelines

Notes: Most Feature block layouts feature soft-cropping of images, meaning the images do not have preset aspect ratios. For layouts that require a fixed image aspect ratio, please use Feature V4.

Layout Examples

More information about image formats and sizing

Layout Suitable for long form? Rec. Orientation Softcrop? Image Dimensions (mobile) Image Dimensions (desktop)
Feature No Horizontal, Centered Yes Variable 5 : 4
Feature (Invert) No Horizontal, Centered Yes Variable 5 : 4
Boxed Feature Yes, but image will crop based on content length Horizontal, centered Yes Variable Variable
Boxed Feature (invert) Yes, but image will crop based on content length Horizontal, centered Yes Variable Variable
Feature V2 Yes Horizontal,  centered Yes Variable Variable
Feature V2 yes Horizontal, centered Yes Variable Variable
Feature V4 No Any No Any Any
Feature V4 (invert) No Any No Any Any
Feature V11 (All variations) No Horizontal, Centered Yes Variable Variable
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